Employee Health Plan Premium Rates & Fact Sheets

An employee who chooses any insurance coverage not funded by the state or ACC will have monthly premiums deducted from his or her next available paycheck. Employees paid bi-weekly will have one-half of the premiums deducted from each bi-weekly check. Employees paid monthly will have the full premium deducted from each check. Adjustments for missed deductions will be made accordingly and the employee will be notified of the adjustments by the Office of Human Resources.

Employees Paid Over Less Than 12 months

Employees (particularly full-time and adjunct faculty on less than 12-month contracts) who do not receive paychecks during the summer have an additional premium deduction from their paycheck each month during their employment period. This “accelerated” deduction pays for coverage over the summer months. Selected insurance coverage continues through August 31.

Employees on Leave Without Pay (LWOP) or in Unpaid Status

An employee on LWOP or unpaid status needs to ensure that all ERS insurance premiums are paid directly to ERS in a timely manner. Failure to keep insurance premiums current will result in a cancellation of all policies for non-payment. During LWOP, employees do have the option to waive benefits. Employees should contact Human Resources Benefits to discuss payment options. If an employee is on FMLA unpaid leave time, the Office of Human Resources, not ERS, will invoice the employee for any benefit premiums owed by the employee.