B.S. in Mechanical Engineering

The Department of Mechanical Engineering features four major interdisciplinary research centers and more than 40 laboratories. Our faculty and students contribute to key research areas by advancing none-scale 3D printing, developing new generations of health monitoring tools, and leading solutions for robotic systems. From design to manufacturing, we bring innovative ideas to the laboratory and the world.

Program Tracks

Students in Mechanical Engineering choose between one of six concentration areas to tailor their interests and learning experiences.

A minimum of 120 credits and completion of all degree requirements is required for a bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Maryland. Effective Fall 2017, the Department of Mechanical Engineering has implemented the goldenrod plan. Please refer to our Course Maps page for information about this and our previous course plans. 121 - 125 is an average amount of credits needed to complete the requirements for Mechanical Engineering but may vary depending on general education course choices, applicable transfer courses, special programs, or other factors.

Overview by Requirements

University General Education Requirements - 40 Credits

Students in all majors are required to complete the University’s general education requirements (GER). While 40 credits of general education courses are required, some of these requirements will be met through the Mechanical Engineering curriculum. The following GER’s are not met through the ME curriculum and will need to be satisfied prior to graduation:

• Fundamental Studies:
○ Academic Writing (ENGL101)
○ Oral Communication
• Distributive Studies:
○ 2 History & Social Sciences
○ 2 Humanities
○ 1 Scholarship in Practice (2 Scholarship in Practice courses are required, but in most cases the ME curriculum satisfies 1 of these requirements)
• 2 I-Series (these may overlap with Distributive Studies courses)
• 2 Diversity (these may overlap with Distributive Studies courses)

Basic Science Requirements - 30 Credits
CHEM 135 or CHEM 131 + 134 General Chemistry for Engineers
PHYS 161 General Physics: Mechanics and Particle Dynamics
PHYS 260/261 General Physics: Vibration, Waves, Heat, Elect. and Mag
PHYS 270/271 General Physics: Electrodynamics, Light, Relativity
MATH 140 Calculus I
MATH 141 Calculus II
MATH 241 Calculus III
MATH 246 Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers
Engineering Science Requirements - 15 Credits
ENES 100 Introduction to Engineering Design
ENES 102 Mechanics I
ENES 220 Mechanics II
ENES 221 Dynamics
ENES 232 Thermodynamics
Major Requirements - 56 Credits
ENGL 393 Technical Writing
ENME 202 Computing Fundamentals for Engineers
ENME 272 Introduction to CAD
ENME 331 Fluid Mechanics
ENME 332 Transfer Processes
ENME 350 Electronics & Instrumentation I
ENME 351 Electronics & Instrumentation II
ENME 361 Vibrations, Controls, & Optimization I
ENME 371 Product Engineering & Manufacturing
ENME 382 Engineering Materials & Manufacturing Processes
ENME 392 Statistical Methods for Product & Process Development
ENME 400 Machine Design
ENME 462 Vibrations, Controls, & Optimization II
ENME 472 Integrated Product & Process Development
ENME 4XX Technical Elective
ENME 4XX Technical Elective
ENME 4XX Technical Elective
ENME 4XX Technical Elective
ENME 4XX Technical Elective
Required Courses

ENES 100: Introduction to Engineering Design (3 Credits)
Students work as teams to design and build a product using computer software for word-processing, spreadsheet, CAD, and communications skills.
Prerequisite: Must have math eligibility for MATH140 or higher.

ENES 102: Mechanics I (3 Credits)
The equilibrium of stationary bodies under the influence of various kinds of forces. Forces, moments, couples, equilibrium, trusses, frames and machines, centroids, moment of inertia, beams, friction, stress/strain, material properties. Vector and scalar methods are used to solve problems.
Corequisite: MATH140.

ENES 220: Mechanics II (3 Credits)
Stress and deformation of solids-rods, beams, shafts, columns, tanks, and other structural, machine and vehicle members. Topics include stress transformation using Mohr's circle; shear and moment diagrams; derivation of elastic curves; and Euler's buckling formula. Design problems related to this material are given in lab.
Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in ENES102; and (MATH141 and PHYS161).

ENES 221: Dynamics (3 Credits)
Systems of heavy particles and rigid bodies at rest and in motion. Force-acceleration, work-energy and impulse-momentum relationships. Motion of one body relative to another in a plane and in space.
Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in ENES102; and (MATH141 and PHYS161).

MATH 206: Introduction to MATLAB (1 Credit)
This course is intended to prepare students for subsequent courses requiring computation with MATLAB. Covers basics of MATLAB including simple commands, variables, solving equations, graphing differentiation and integration, matrices and vectors, functions, M-files and fundamentals of programming in the MATLAB environment. Mechanical Engineering students entering the major in Fall 2017 or later are required to take ENME 202: Fundamentals of Engineering Computing in place of this course unless acceptable programming course credit has been earned. Contact a Mechanical Engineering advisor for more information on accepted programming credit.
Prerequisite: 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from (MATH136, MATH140).

ENES 232: Thermodynamics (3 Credits)
Introduction to thermodynamics. Thermodynamic properties of matter. First and second laws of thermodynamics, cycles, reactions, and mixtures.
Prerequisite: PHYS261 and PHYS260.

ENME 202: Computing Fundamentals for Engineers (3 Credits)
Introduction to computational tools for the solution of engineering problems. C++ & MATLAB programming including branching and loops, functions, file handling, arrays, and data structures. Students will be introduced to object-oriented programming, basic computing, algorithms, and principles of software engineering. Mechanical Engineering students entering the major in Fall 2017 or later are required to take ENME 202: Fundamentals of Engineering Computing in place of MATH 206 unless acceptable programming course credit has been earned. Contact a Mechanical Engineering advisor for more information on accepted programming credit.
Corequisite: Must be concurrently enrolled in MATH141.

ENME 272: Introduction to Computer Aided Design (2 Credits)
Fundamentals of CAD, using solid modeling packages (Pro/E, SolidWorks, and Autodesk Inventor). Two and three dimensional drawing. Dimensioning and specifications. Introduction of CAD based analysis tools. Students will complete a design project. Credit only granted for ENME 272 or ENME 414. Students entering the Mechanical Engineering program in fall 2012 or later are required to take ENME 272 for their curriculum but may substitute ENME 414 in place of ENME 272 if desired.
Prerequisite: Must have completed or be concurrently enrolled in MATH141.

ENME 331: Fluid Mechanics (3 Credits)
Principles of fluid mechanics. Mass, momentum and energy conservation. Hydrostatics. Control volume analysis. Internal and external flow. Boundary layers. Modern measurement techniques. Computer analysis. Laboratory experiments.
Prerequisite: ENES232 and ENES221.

ENME 332: Transfer Processes (3 Credits)
The principles of heat transfer. Conduction in solids. Convection. Radiation. Modern measurement techniques. Computer analysis.
Prerequisite: ENME331.

ENME 350: Electronics and Instrumentation I (3 Credits)
Modern instrumentation. Basic circuit design, standard microelectronic circuits. Digital data acquisition and control. Signal conditioning. Instrumentation interfacing. Designing and testing of analog circuits. Laboratory experiments.
Prerequisite: PHYS271 and PHYS270.

ENME 351: Electronics and Instrumentation II (3 Credits)
Continuation of ENME 350. Modern instrumentation. Basic circuit design, standard microelectronic circuits. Digital data acquisition and control. Signal conditioning. Instrumentation interfacing. Designing and testing of analog circuits. Laboratory experiments.
Prerequisite: PHYS271, ENME350, and PHYS270.

ENME 361: Vibration, Controls, and Optimization I (3 Credits)
Fundamentals of vibration, controls and optimization. Analysis and design in time, Laplace and frequency domains. Mathematical description of system response, system stability, control and optimization. Optimal design of mechanical systems.
Prerequisite: ENES220, ENES221, and MATH246; and (MATH206 or ENME202).

ENME 371: Product Engineering and Manufacturing (3 Credits)
Business aspects of engineering product development. Relationship of design and manufacturing. Product specification. Statistical process control. Design team development. The development process.
Prerequisite: ENES221; and (ENME392 or STAT400).

ENME 382: Introduction to Materials Engineering (3 Credits)
Structure of materials, chemical composition, phase transformations, corrosion and mechanical properties of metals, ceramics, polymers and related materials. Materials selection in engineering applications.
Prerequisite: ENES100. Corequisite: MATH241. Recommended: PHYS261 and PHYS260.

ENME 392: Statistical Methods for Product and Process Development (3 Credits)
Integrated statistical methodology for the improvement of products and processes in terms of performance, quality and cost. Designed experimentation. Statistical process control. Software application. Laboratory activities.
Prerequisite: MATH241.

ENME 400: Machine Design (3 Credits)
Design of mechanical elements and planar machines. Failure theories. Design of pressure vessels, joints, rotating elements, and transmission elements. Kinematic structures, graphical, analytical, and numerical analysis and synthesis of linkages, gear trains, and flywheels are covered. This course is an elective course for most students entering the Mechanical Engineering program prior to the Fall 2015 semester.
Prerequisite: Must have completed or be concurrently enrolled in ENME361.

ENME 462: Vibration, Controls, and Optimization II (3 Credits)
Continuation of ENME361. Fundamentals of vibration, controls, and optimization. Analysis and design in time, Laplace and frequency domains. Mathematical descriptions of system response, system stability, control and optimization. Optimal design of mechanical systems.
Prerequisite: ENME361.

ENME 472: Integrated Product and Process Development (3 Credits)
Integration of product development with the development process. Design strategies. Product architecture. Design for manufacturing. Selection of materials. Design for assembly.
Prerequisite: ENME331, ENME361, ENME351, and ENME371; and must have completed or be concurrently enrolled in ENME332.

Technical Electives

ENME 401: Entrepreneurial Design Realization (3 Credits)
The vision for this course, and an aspect that makes it unique, is to expose students to the opportunities and challenges of bringing a product design to reality (entrepreneurship). The emphasis is on environmentally and socially sustainable projects. The end-product of this course will be full-scale implementations or complete design "packages" that can be taken to potential stakeholders.

ENME 406: Roller Coaster Engineering (3 Credits)
Engineering of roller coasters including: specifications, concept creation, structural design, car design, and safety. Course covers biomechanics and rider kinematics as well as manufacturing aspects.
Prerequisite: ENES220, ENES221, and ENME272. And ENME202; or MATH206. Corequisite: ENME400.

ENME 408: Selected Topics in Engineering Design: Automotive Design (3 Credits)
Creativity and innovation in design. Generalized performance analysis, reliability and optimization as applied to the design of components and engineering systems. Use of computers in design of multivariable systems.
Restriction: Senior standing or by department permission. Repeatable to: 6 credits if content differs.

ENME 410: Design Optimization (3 Credits)
Introduction to the formal process of design optimization, including analytical and computational methods. Step by step design optimization techniques. Design optimization concepts, necessary and sufficient optimality conditions and solution techniques. Solution evaluation and tradeoff exploration.
Prerequisite: ENME271; or MATH206. Restriction: Junior or senior standing.

ENME 413: Bio-Inspired Robots (3 Credits)
Fundamentals and applications of biologically inspired robots, traditional robots, and design and fabrication of biologically inspired robots.
Prerequisite: Must have completed or be concurrently enrolled in ENME351.

ENME 416: Additive Manufacutring (3 Credits)
Develop a comprehensive understanding of fundamental additive manufacturing, 3D printing approaches, including: extrusion-based deposition, stereolithography, powder bed-based melting, and inkjet-based deposition. Cultivate a design for-additive manufacturing skillset for CAD and CAM methodologies to produce successful 3D prints. Fabricate 3D mechanical objects using a variety of 3D printing technologies on campus. Execute a design project that demonstrates how additive manufacturing technologies can overcome critical limitations of traditional manufacturing processes.
Prerequisite: ENME331. And ENME272; or ENME414.

ENME 420: Energy Conversion Systems for Sustainability (3 Credits)
Provides students with fundamentals and applications of de-carbonization of building systems for energy sustainability through energy audit and efficiency measures, renewable energy, and electrification. Topics covered include societal and economic motivations for de-carbonization of buildings; building energy auditing and energy consumption analysis; lighting systems and controls; heating/cooling and ventilation systems; integrated building automation systems; fundamentals of renewable energy for building applications; fundamentals of building electrification and energy storage devices; emerging technologies for building energy sustainability.
Prerequisite: ENES232. Corequisite: ENME332.

ENME 423: Modern Climate Control and Building Energy Design/Analysis (3 Credits)
Fundamentals and design calculations of heat and moisture transfer in buildings; evaluation of cooling, heating and power requirements of buildings; building energy consumption simulations, use of alternative energy and energy conservation measures in buildings; fundamentals of fans/pumps and air/water distribution in buildings; introduction to refrigeration and energy systems for data centers and other mission-critical facilities.
Prerequisite: ENES232. Corequisite: ENME332.

ENME 424: Urban Microclimate and Energy (3 Credits)
Urban microclimate from the perspective of transient heat and mass transfer using building energy simulations for building clusters as well as LEED building certification criteria. The focus is on understanding building energy consumption and environmental impacts from the individual building scale to a neighborhood scale.
Prerequisite: Must have completed or be concurrently enrolled in ENME332. Recommended: ENME423.

ENME 427: CSI Mechanical: Finding Reasons for Compromised Structural Integrity (3 Credits)
Understanding the causes of product failures including the political, societal, economic, environmental, and ethical impact of these failures, and the strategies to avoid, postpone, or mitigate them. Students will be encouraged to combine concepts from engineering, natural sciences, social sciences, and the humanities to address these complex issues. Basics of failure analysis, forensics, and reliability engineering and the scientific fundamentals underlying the most common types of failure. Issues of legal liability. Methods for monitoring the existing condition of a structure.
Prerequisite: ENES220 and ENME382.

ENME 430: Fundamentals of Nuclear Reactor Engineering (3 Credits)
Fundamental aspects of nuclear physics and nuclear engineering, including nuclear interactions; various types of radiation and their effects on materials and humans; and basic reactor physics topics, including simplified theory of reactor critically.
Prerequisite: MATH246.

ENME 431: Nuclear Reactor Systems and Safety (3 Credits)
Engineering, material and thermal aspects of light water reactors, fast reactors, high temperature gas reactors, heavy water moderated reactors, breeder reactors, advanced reactors including GEN IV designs. Evolution of light water reactor safety and regulation in the US that has culminated in the current body of regulations.
Prerequisite: MATH246. Recommended: ENME430.

ENME 432: Reactor and Radiation Measurements Laboratory (3 Credits)
Basics concepts of nuclear radiation and radiation detectors including types of radiation, radioactive decay, and interactions of radiation with matter.
Prerequisite: ENME430 and MATH246.

ENME 435: Remote Sensing Instrumentation (3 Credits)
Explores the fundamentals of remote sensing techniques including light detection and ranging (lidar), radar, and computer vision in the context of emerging technologies such as autonomous navigation, terrain modeling, and embedded smart devices.
Prerequisite: ENME351.

ENME 436: Renewable Energy (3 Credits)
Fundamentals, design/analysis tools, and state of the art renewable energy technologies. Energy resources and global perspectives of current and future energy demand/consumption trends, followed by prime renewable energy technologies, including wind, solar, hydro, geothermal, and ocean thermal energy conversion. Economics of renewable energy, energy conservation opportunities, CO2 capture and storage, and thermal energy storage.
Prerequisite: ENME331.

ENME 440: Applied Machine Learning for Engineering & Design (3 Credits)

Learn how to apply techniques from Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to solve engineering problems and design new products or systems. Design and build a personal or research project that demonstrates how computational learning algorithms can solve difficult tasks in areas you are interested in. Master how to interpret and transfer state-of-the-art techniques from computer science to practical engineering situations and make smart implementation decisions.
Prerequisite: ENME392; or permission of instructor.

ENME 441: Mechatronics and the Internet of Things (3 Credits)
Mechatronics and the Internet of Things combines sensors, actuators, computation, and communication to realize integrated objects capable of robust Internet-based interfacing. Students will gain experience with circuit development, mechatronic systems, MicroPython coding, and Internet communication protocols using the ESP32 microcontroller platform. The project-focused course combines lectures and hands-on labs to drive learning at the convergence of mechanics, electronics, and software domains for IoT smart object development.
Prerequisite: ENME351.

ENME 442: Information Security (3 Credits)
The materials presented are divided into three major components: overview, detailed concepts and implementation techniques. The topics to be covered are: general security concerns and concepts from both a technical and management point of view, principles of security, architectures, access control and multi-level security, trojan horses, covert channels, trap doors, hardware security mechanism, security models, security kernels, formal specifications and verification, networks and distribution systems and risk analysis.
Restriction: Senior standing.

ENME 444: Assistive Robotics (3 Credits)
Fundamentals of assistive robots used in a wide variety of ways to help humans with disabilities. Three application areas will be covered: (1) Rehabilitation robotics to recover motor function from neurologic injuries such as stroke, (2) Prosthetics to enable mobility function in amputees, and (3) Social robotics for cognitive impairment and developmental disorders such as autism. Theory behind different control systems employed by assistive robotics, as well as the mechanical design, sensors & actuators, and user interfaces behind representative robots in the respective areas. Guidelines for designing assistive robots. Ethical and regulatory considerations in the design of assistive robots.
Prerequisite: ENME351; and must have completed or be concurrently enrolled in ENME462.

ENME 445: Design for Reliability (3 Credits)
Failure prevention, accident prevention, design requirements analysis, designing right the first time, high system reliability, software reliability, manufacturing defect prevention, life cycle costs reduction, design reviews, managing the design for reliability, design trustworthiness, product durability, and writing good specifications are covered.
Restriction: Junior or senior standing.

ENME 454: Vehicle Dynamics (3 Credits)
The fundamentals of passenger vehicle and light truck design and vehicle dynamics are covered. The engineering principles associated with acceleration, braking, handling, ride quality, aerodynamics, and tire mechanics are discussed, as well as suspension and steering design.
Corequisite: ENME361.

ENME 461: Control Systems Laboratory (3 Credits)
Students will design, implement, and test controllers for a variety of systems. This will enhance their understanding of feedback control familiarize them with the characteristics and limitations of real control devices. Students will also complete a small project. This will entail writing a proposal, purchasing parts for their controller, building the system, testing it, and writing a final report describing what they have done.
Prerequisite: ENME351 and ENME361.

ENME 464: Cost of Analysis for Engineers (3 Credits)
An introduction to the financial and cost analysis aspects of product engineering. Introduces key elements of traditional engineering economics including interest, present worth, depreciation, taxes, inflation, financial statement analysis, and return on investment. Provides an introduction to cost modeling as it applies to product manufacturing and support. Cost modeling topics will include: manufacturing cost analysis, life-cycle cost modeling (reliability and warranty), and cost of ownership.
Prerequisite: ENME392; or students who have taken courses with comparable content may contact the department.

ENME 465: Probability Based Design (3 Credits)
Review of probabilistic distributions, introduction to pseudo-random number generation, and algorithms to produce probability distributions using Monte Carlo simulation via Matlab and other approaches to best design probabilistic engineering problems.
Prerequisite: MATH206 and ENME392.

ENME 466: Lean Six Sigma (3 Credits)
This course intends to provide in-depth understanding of Lean Six Sigma and its Define - Mearsure - Analyze - Improve - Control (DMAIC) Breakthrough Improvement Strategy. The emphasis is placed on the DMAIC process which is reinforced via application of semester long corporate projects and case study analysis.
Corequisite: ENME392; or students who have taken courses with comparable content may contact the department.

ENME467: Engineering for Social Change (3 Credits)
Critical analysis of issues at the intersection of engineering, philanthropy and social change. How engineering design, products and processes have created social change in the past and will do so in the future through both intended and unintended consequences. Topics covered include energy, sustainability and climate change, autonomy, the digital future, low cost engineering, manufacturing, philanthropy, ethics and the impact of electronics on society, among others. Faculty and external experts will engage with students on these topics. Students will broadly engage with organizations involved in using technology for positive social impact.
Restriction: Junior or senior standing.

ENME 470: Finite Element Analysis (3 Credits)
Basic concepts of the theory of the finite element method. Applications in solid mechanics and heat transfer.
Restriction: Senior standing.

ENME 473: Mechanical Design of Electronic Systems (3 Credits)
Design considerations in the packaging of electronic systems. Production of circuit boards and design of electronic assemblies. Vibration, shock, fatigue and thermal considerations.

ENME 476: Mircoelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) I (3 Credits)
Fundamentals of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS). Introduction to transducers and markets. MEMS fabrication processes and materials, including bulk micromachining, wet etching, dry etching, surface micromachining, sacrificial layers, film deposition, bonding, and non-traditional micromachining. Introduction to the relevant solid state physics, including crystal lattices, band structure, semiconductors, and doping. The laboratory covers safety, photolithography, profilometry, wet etching.
Restriction: Senior standing.

ENME 483: Physics of Turbulent Flow (3 Credits)
Specific problems of turbulent flow including automobile and truck aerodynamics and canonical flows including pipes, jets and boundary layers that are measured and simulated to gain basic understanding of turbulence. A goal of the course is to impart the necessary background for students to be able to critically assess and most effectively employ the turbulent flow prediction codes (e.g. Fluent) that are a mainstay of how turbulence is analyzed in modern industries.
Prerequisite: ENME331.

ENME 484: Analysis of Turbulent Flow (3 Credits)
Relentless growth in the speed and size of supercomputers has encouraged the ever expanding use of numerical simulation in the practice of fluids engineering. For the flow past ground vehicles, in the urban grid, re-entering rockets, helicopters landing on ships at sea and countless other examples, the flow is turbulent, and simulation is becoming or will one day become the methodology of choice in analyzing and designing such technologies. The goal of this course is to give an introduction to the analysis of turbulent flow via simulation and the modeling that is used in its development. Among the questions to be considered: What can one hope to learn from flow simulation? What are the strengths of the approach and what obstacles inhibit its application? What kind of physical considerations are required in setting up simulations? How does one analyze the results of a simulation?
Prerequisite: ENME331.

ENME 486: Computational Modeling, Simulation, and Interactive Visualization (3 Credits)
Creation of interactive graphic displays from the numerical simulation of mechanical engineering models. Brief description of each model provided, along with varied parameters to explore models' characteristics. Conclusions drawn from use of each interactive graphic. Mathematica language introduced and interwoven with the numerical simulation of the models, which will include: robotics and mechanisms, static response of beams, control systems, measurement systems, fluid flow, vibrations, geometric modeling, finite element analysis, and nonlinear phenomena.
Restriction: Senior standing.

ENME 488: Special Problems - Independent Study (3 Credits)
Advanced problems in mechanical engineering with special emphasis on mathematical and experimental methods.
Restriction: Permission of department. Repeatable to: 6 credits if content differs.

ENME489: Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering (3 Credits)
Selected topics of current importance in mechanical engineering.
Repeatable to: 6 credits.

ENRE 447: Fundamentals of Reliability Engineering (3 Credits)
Topics covered include: fundamental understanding of how things fail, probabilistic models to represent failure phenomena, life-models for non-repairable items, reliability data collection and analysis, software reliability models, and human reliability models.

ENRE 489G: Reliability (3 Credits)
This course is only offered at the Southern Maryland Higher Education Center for students enrolled in the UMD - Southern Maryland Program.The objective of this course is to provide the students with an understanding of reliability concepts and reliability engineering. Students will learn how to apply statistics to calculate reliability as well as how reliability and risk assessments are related.