Full Title Name: State Endangered Species Chart

Ryan Pellerito (updated by Rebecca Wisch) Place of Publication: Michigan State University College of Law Publish Year: 2002 Primary Citation: Animal Legal & Historical Center 0 Country of Origin: United States


This chart provides a link to each state agency responsible for enforcement of state endangered species laws. It also lists a summary of the criteria under the state statutes, the statutory citation, and a link to the US Fish & Wildlife Service's Threatened & Endangered Species System (TESS) database of listed species.

Purpose of the ESA Chart

The purpose of the chart below is to provide readers with a quick research guide for state endangered species acts. The chart is broken down columns that provide information regarding state agencies, listing criteria, prohibited acts, penalties, habitat protection, unique provisions, and the current number of endangered animal species. Each state abbreviation is a link to the state's endangered species laws (note that four states (AL, ND, WV, and WY do not have any related laws)). Another purpose of the chart is to allow a user to compare one state’s endangered species act to another. The chart is not an end all resource; it is designed to aim someone in the right direction. It is to be used with other aspects of the Animal Legal and Historical Center website including the Map of State Endangered Species Laws and the Topic Page for the Federal Endangered Species Act .


(Link to Law)

Agency and Link

List Criteria

Illegal Acts


Habitat Protection

Unique Provisions

Number of Animals Listed and link to USFWS TESS database