Emergency rental assistance

The Department of Local Affairs has emergency rental assistance funding for Coloradans who have fallen behind on their rent, meet income limits and other qualifying factors, and are at risk of eviction or displacement. The random selection will be open to Coloradans and those facing eviction will continue to be prioritized.

Please note that funds are only available temporarily and will be disbursed until fully exhausted. We understand that there is more demand than funds available and our top priority is to ensure that we can meet as many Coloradans' needs as possible in an equitable, clear and efficient manner.

Individuals Experiencing Evictions

Individuals who already have a court date for eviction proceedings may apply via this pre-application during the pre-application period. If the pre-application period is closed, please contact the CARE Center by calling or texting 1 (303) 838-1200 or 1 (888) 480-0066, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Mountain Time to get more information about immediate support that may be available.

Emergency rental assistance

Pre-Application Period is Closed

The pre-application for Emergency rental assistance is currently closed but will be available here starting at 11:00 a.m. on September 24, 2024.

The Application Process

Applicants will only be provided assistance for their primary place of residence.

Interested individuals will be asked to complete a pre-application. They will have three days to submit. After this period, there will be a random selection, and selected applicants will be invited to apply for emergency rental assistance.

Pre-application: The pre-application for Emergency rental assistance is currently closed but will be available here starting at 11:00 a.m. on September 24, 2024.

Applicants experiencing an eviction are required to provide a copy of a court summons at this step, in order to be prioritized for assistance. If applicants are having trouble obtaining this document, they are advised to reach out to their local court.

The timing of pre-application submission does not impact an applicant’s chances of receiving rental assistance in the random selection process.

Submitting a pre-application earlier does not increase the likelihood of receiving rental assistance.

Selection Process: The random selection is open to Coloradans who are behind on their rent and those facing eviction will continue to be prioritized. Once the pre-application window closes, all applicants will be entered into a random selection. Selected applicants will receive an email invitation to complete a full application on the online portal within seven (7) days. To be considered for assistance, applicants must be eligible for assistance, submit the completed application and all required documentation before the deadline.


Funding Eligibility

Awards will be limited to the amount a household needs to be stabilized, and is not intended to provide ongoing rental support.

Awards cannot exceed seven months of rent, or $10,000, whichever is a lesser amount.

Non-Receipt of Prior Assistance

Applicants must not have received a rental assistance benefit from any emergency rental assistance program within the preceding 12 months.

Residency Requirement: Applicants must be residents of Colorado.

Lease: Applicants must hold a valid lease within the state of Colorado

Income Threshold: Applicants' household income should not exceed 80% of the median income for their respective area in Colorado.

Risk of Eviction or Displacement: Eligibility includes being at risk of eviction or displacement due to: