Convert Data Into a Table in Excel

How to convert <a href=data in Excel into a table" />

This page will show you how to convert Excel data into a table.

Creating a Table within Excel

  1. Open the Excel spreadsheet.
  2. Use your mouse to select the cells that contain the information for the table.
  3. Click the "Insert" tab > Locate the "Tables" group.
  4. Click "Table". A "Create Table" dialog box will open.
  5. If you have column headings, check the box "My table has headers".
  6. Verify that the range is correct > Click [OK].
  7. Resize your columns to make the headings visible.

Changing the Table Style

  1. Click on a cell in the table to activate the "Table Tools" tab.
  2. Click the "Design" tab > Locate the "Table Styles" group.
  3. Choose a style/color option that appeals to you. (Hover over the various table styles to see a live preview.)

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