Winter Concert Is Planned At Howards Grove High Gvm t4 THE SHEBOYGAN PRESS. Thurify. January 14, I960 "Miss Wisconsin" Speaks To The B.P.W. Club Tuesday 1 Steffes self. The guard comented, when Music groups of Joint District 2 (Howards Grove) schools will give their winter concert Sunday evening in the high school zvmnasium .
The program will begin at 7:30 o'clock. The newly-organized high school mixed choir of 42 voices, the 40-voice girls' glee club and the concert band of 50 members will be featured on the pro gram. All groups are directed by Robert J. KoepseL A wide selection of music will be provided and the program will be as follows: Senior Mixed Choir Ezekiel Spiritual Hymn Medley arr. Yoder Crusaders' Hymn .
My Faith Looks Up To Thee, Abide With Me and Rock of Ages. Battle Hymn of the Republic WW fer 1 Sheboygan Falls Methodists To Have Special Activities Personable "Miss Wisconsin," who has charmed many groups, made her first, appearance before a woman's club Tuesday evening. Miss Mary Alice Fox returned late Monday from California. She told the Business and Professional Woman's Club about her TV and radio appearances in Interviews with Alice in Dairy-land and about her personal meetings with the queen and princesses of the Rose Bowl parade. These girls are much more beautiful than they televised," she said .
The dinner meeting was held in the Park-side room of the Foeste Hotel. Her experiences in the West and those in Atlantic City were briefed by her. Some of the humorous ones were injected to give her talk levity. "All I can say about the life of being a queen is that in the eyes of children you appear as somewhat of a fairy godmother; in the eyes of youth as an idol; in the eyes of adults, somewhat of a success, but to myself it is a very big challenge and a very wonderful experience." This Sheboyganite, whose have included the cut-' ting of a cake in Wausau, riding a bicycle in Kenosha and being presented with innumerable keys to cities, enjoyed her stay in the West. She met the head of M-G-M Studios, V .
P. Hendry, who has known show business since his birth, and questioned him about Rock Hudson. When she went to take her position in the Parade of Roses, at the hour of 5 she was told she could go into the Wrig-ley Estate to meet the other but before she was admited, she had to identify her left, with Mrs. Joan R. Reichmann, who introduced her to the assemblage, and Miss Evelyn C .
Hansen, club president. (Sheboygan Press photo). MISS MARY ALICE FOX. "Miss Wisconsin," who returned from California Monday, spoke to the Business and Professional Women's Club Tuesday evening. She is pictured Concert To Be Played By Kohler Junior Band Tuesday Tallis Canon Tallis Girls' Glee Club La Rpagnola DeChiara Eless This House Braehe Seventy-Six Trombones Willson Concert Band Salutation March Seitz Trumpet Voluntary Clarke Adagio Pathetique Godard High School Cadets Sousa Vesper Moods Harris Saxophone Quintet Karen Rohde, Charlotte Hamann, Barbara Klein, Marjorie Mohr and Barbara Prange .
The Three Bells Jillard Blue Tango Anderson He arr. Jones Voice of America King The public is invited to attend, and there will not be any admission charge. Visse'r. The program will con clude at 2:30 p.m. Members of the planning com mittee are Mr .
and-Mrs. Edgar Jarvis, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lau, Mr. and Mrs .
George Kalmerton, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Scoville and the minister, the Rev. Mr. Siferd .
Births Memorial Hospital: Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Reimes, R. 2, Sheboygan Falls, a son, today. Today, a son, to Mr .
and Mrs. Robert Steinpreis, 1531 N. 8th St St Nicholas Hospital: Mr. and Mrs. Kennth Wues-tenhagen, 1332 N .
6th- a daughter, today. Wednesday, a son, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mazon, 1320 N. 7th St .
Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Paulus, 1330 N. 12th a daughter, Wednesday .
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Baus, R. 2, New Holstein, a daughter, born Saturday. Chilton Event Mrs .
Norbert Klapperich, R. 2, Chilton, has hostess to a group of 10 girls at her home Saturday afternoon. The occasion was the 10th birthday of her daughter, Susan. Games were enjoyed and the table centerpiece was a large birthday cake. With Care, Ugly Hands Can Become Beautiful Brave and Bold Indian dance Columbiana Overture .
Primarily a preparatory or ganization for the 75-piece Kohler High School Band, the 50-piece junior aggregation is directed by Walter B. Wright Christen Two At Port Sunday Two infants were baptised Sunday afternoon at St Mary's Catholic Church in Port Washington. The Rt Rev. Msgr. Peter J .
Hildebrand officiated at the christening of Carol Lynn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Bichler, 525 S. Spring in Port. Sponsors were Mr .
and Mrs. Jerome Bichler. In other rites, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pujanauski, 749 N .
Montgomery was named Therese1 Mary. James Lorge and Mrs. Bernice Melcher are the baby's sponsors. Msgr. Hildebrand was officiant James Shields, U.S .
senator, served from three different states successively: Illinois, Minnesota and Missouri. Methodists will gather at their church at Sheboygan Jan. 17, for special worship and fellowship activities. They will be celebrating the 175th anniversary of the first Christian Conference that officially organized Methodism in the United States. At 9:30 am, the Sunday School will have a special opening service, entitled, "Again Pioneers," with Susan Stoehr, Peg gy Keller, Pam Morken, Mrs .
George Kalmerton and Mrs. Earl North as leaders. The morning worship service at 10:45 o'clock features noted words of John Wesley and hymns of Charles Wesley, the founders of Methodism. The sermon is to be, "Why Are We Methodists." Ushers will be at tired in colonial costumes for the occasion. Members and friends will gather at 12 noon in fellowship hall for a planned carry-in din ner .
A special program at 1 p.m. will relive the "good old davs" of early Methodism in America. The Rev. Glen Siferd will conduct a songfest of Charles Wesley's hymns after which slides of scenes famous in Methodist history will be shown Brief biographies of the first two superintendents of Ameri can Methodism, Francis, Asbury and Thomas Coke, will be given by Mr. and Mrs .
Leonard Nash. Anecdotes from Methodism 175 years ago and a challenge to Methodist today will be present ed by the lay leader, Robert E. LUXURY it and Mrs. Robert Leuck, 2317 Erie had their infant daughter named Joan Carol in christening ceremonies held re cently at Trinity Lutheran Church. The Rev .
Karl Schul was officiant, and sponsors were Mrs. Jacob Grosskopf and Lloyd Kaland. Sponsors and grandparents were entertained at dinner and supper at the Leuck home. 11th Birthday Mr. and Mrs .
Roman Schnei der entertained St Fidelia schoolmates of their daughter. Patsy, Saturday, in observance of her 11th birthday. The girls spent the afternoon playing games at the Schneider home, R. 1, Newton. A decorated cake centered the serving table .
MARRIED? zrm. i SALE i BRIDAL GOWNS XL PRICE 2 ond LESS Orig. $49.95 Orig. to $69.95 SALE Orlff. $19.05 JH NOW 1 UJ0 Otg .
$2185 $10 Ot NOW IJ'JO CRINOLINE UNDER SKIRTS Name Daughter BEING 90 she told him where she was from, "Sheboygan sounds like a disease." Her talk included a history of the Miss America Pageant, which was started in 1921. She told about 3,500 local contests being held with 73.000 girls com peting to be one of the ten final- ists. Miss Fox, a former Brat wurst Queen, was chosen to re present the state. Kenosha Jay- cees are her sponsor and con tinue to support her. Miss Wis consin, Inc .
has been organized to help the queen. Special training she received. instructions from Bill Butler at Atlantic "City and the general excitement of the contest were mentioned in her talk. Her next assignment is a series of appearances before high schools of the state to talk on good grooming and fashion. She has received numerous scholarships .
Introduction of "Miss Wiscon sin" was made by Mrs. Joan R. Reichmann. Community singing leader was Miss Harriet Hoppert, whom the president. Miss Evelyn C .
Han sen, complimented for having received the Carol Award of the Jaycettes. Miss Adela Derfus ac companied at the piano. One number was dedicated to Miss Fox, another to Mrs. Martha Graeber. Branches of trees in pastel shades and hung with colored motifs in snowflake pattern with angel hair at the base of each were used as table beautifica-tion and were made by Mrs .
Edith Kuenne and her husband. Place cards were the workmanship of Mrs. Florence Heimbeck-er and Miss Rose Kissel. Places of meetings are chosen by Mrs. Isabelle Karsteadt of gold flattering to' your skin .
If you re buying real stones, make sure that rubies or sapphires are good with your skin tones. And pick a shape that fits your bone structure like a glove. You'll find that, suddenly, you have pretty hands. If you love the luxury of a hot bath in the winter, be careful that you don't dry out your skin. Best way to lick the problem is to use a good bath oil .
Another way is to make liberal use of starch and baking soda, a cup each, in your tub. But don't wash your face while you're in the tub Wash your face and neck in lukewarm water either before or after your bath. Then cream your face and neck immediately. This way, you'll avoid that scaly, dry look that so many women ac quire during the winter months For a hot bath is beneficial in many ways. It helps to stave off muscular aches and pains, it relaxes you and it drains away tensions .
So have your cake and eat it, too, by taking special care of your face. Women who wouldn't dream of skipping a weekly shampoo are sometimes, surprisingly, careless about keeping brushes and combs clean. Actually, both combs and brushes should be washed once a week, too. And this also applies to bobby pins or clips, hair nets and frilly nylon caps. For there's no point in brushing clean hair with a grubby brush .
It defeats the purpose of the shampoo immediately. To wash brushes and combs, use warm water and soap powder. Never let them soak. And dry brushes with bristles down on a terry towel. Flavor Helper Good flavor in pie pastry comes when you use orange juice instead of water .
This flavor trick is suitable for pastry to accompany most fruit fillings. Dig Reductions on all remaining FUR COATS Hart's your opportunity fo mala trtmandous savings on qualify fun. Choosa yours nowl Kohler School Junior Band will play in Kohler Memorial Theater next Tuesday, Jan. 19. The program at 7, p.m .
is sponsored by the Kohler Garden Club and will be open to the public. Comprised of musicians from grides five, six and seven, the band will play a balanced program of marches, waltzes and semi-popular numbers. Soloists will be Lois Wright, who will play a French horn selection, "On Wings of Susan Wandschneider and Ann Toepel, a flute duet, "Two Marionettes," and Glen Newton, trombonist, "The Young Prince." Numbers comprising the com plete program are the following Red Jackets March. Hidden Valley Reverie. Gloucester March .
On Wings of Song, French horn solo Lois Wright. Silvery Waves Waltz. The Snake Charmer. Two Marionettes, flute duet Susan Wandschneider and Ann Toepel. Little League Marchi Glen Echo Waltz .
Western Nighst Tone poem The Young Prince, trombone solo Glen Newton. mixed choir of Ss. Peter and Paul Church furnished the mu sic at the New Holstein church. Mrs. Lawrence Brunmeier is the director of the Kiel choir with Mrs .
Henry Meyer as organist. Directing the New Holstein men's choir is John Ber- chem and Kenneth Brill is the organist. 9 All Remaining Of BWU2D COAT At Fessler-Kuck Co. We're Selling. The Finest Riding Club To Have Banquet Black River Riding Club is having its fifth annual trophy banquet at Johnnie's Restaurant on Highway 141, Saturday, Jan .
23. A cocktail hour between six and seven o'clock, dinner at seven and dancing from nine until one in the morning com prise the schedule for the eve ning. Friends of club members are invited and are to make their reservations with Mrs. Ben Gott sacker. as soon as possible .
Employed Women WSWS Topic BRILLION A study class on the "Employed Woman and the Church" will be held at the Evangelical United Brethren Church on Thursday afternoon. The study will be led by mem bers of the sponsoring organiza tion, the Woman's Society of World Service, Mrs. Edwin Reinke, Mrs. L. H .
Huibregtse, Mrs. Hilmer Johnson and Mrs. Stanley Heimke. The program open to WSWS members and church members will begin at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, according to the pas tor, the Rev. Vernon Miller .
Holy Name Choir At Kiel Church KIEL The Holy Name Choir of the New Holstein Catholic Church sang at Ss. Peter and Paul Catholic Church in Kiel last Sunday as an exchange of choirs. The previous Sunday the oil U.ULJ llj plllll I Co ifl, i By ALICIA HART, XEA Beauty Editor The woman who hasn't pretty hands need never let the world know it. With nightly care, a weekly manicure and the careful choice of pretty rings, she can fool everybody. For good hand lotions keep skin white and smooth if they are applied each night without fail .
And daytime, too, if you have your hands in water a great deal.) The weekly manicure can do much to reshape and camouflage the shape of nails. Keep cuticle, pushed back and change the. shade of your polish often. (Don't fall into the habit of buying the same shade month after month just because you liked it once.) When you choose your rings, buy the very best you can afford. Pick a shade COMPLETE 2 Innerspring Mattresses, ladder, guard rail .
Make Ideal TWIN BEDS Reg. $99.50 Value RELIABLE Furniture Co. Ill N. Ira Sr. Ol 2-7691 Across from Majestic Theatre Next to Alley 5 POSTURE fXy 4 I 1 i ff SLEEP in 150 f.U ALWAYS Um ffcoii 2t a night jwith BETTER BCD JPodvn it a plus because sleeps yov, keeos votf at your level best mlif p80iHfop3die' motlro Sleep level, and you sleep bestl That's how tired back muscles relax ond tone up .
That's how Sealy Posturepedic's firm support helps overcome daytime slump. Your Sealy Posturepedic can't sag always keeps your spine on a line. Smooth surface too. Here's sheer sleeping luxury that helps improve posture during the day. Now in new smart covering .
Own it, and you own the best. Helps eorrtct daytime stump. You took and feel better naturally nn Full or Twin Size Matching Foundation 7 Foam Rubber 2-Piece Set 179 50 To Be Sold At Sacrifice Prices! Sweeping reductions on all-length coats in every style and color at lowest prices. Come Choose From A LARGE SELECTION Furs include mink paws, muskrats, raccoon, mink sides, black Persian lamb, in their' loveliesf fur glory. 623 N .
8th Street A 1.98 Orlfr. $2.08 111 N. Did CL 7-4312 i ouiimi. BUY NOW ON LAYAWAY 501 N. 8th St .
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